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Shock Collar Question - April 14

Retired Couple Sitting Outdoors At Home Having Morning Coffee Together

Photo: Getty Images

Having kids running around the house all the time can be exhausting, just ask Brooke’s brigade of Au Pairs and they’ll tell you. But when the kids finally leave the cozy confines of home and head out on their own...... there’s a little sadness but also some positives about having an empty nest. 

And because of that, a study was done asking 1,000 OLDER parents to name the best things about finally having the kids out of the house. (and no Brooke, please don't ask me again - your children are too young to live on their own. wait another year) I need you to TELL me the Top 4 best things about being an empty nester in no particular order....and a Hint: all of these things have to do with the house.

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